Dave's part of the internet

Not all of this will be relevant. Or even useful.

Ps4 Camera as Webcam

February 18, 2021 Dave
I was recently asked to go to an online video chat and I wanted to do it on my main desktop for a few reasons but I don’t have a webcam for this machine. After a bit of brainstorming however, I remembered that I do have a camera for my PS4 and when Sony announced the support for PS5, they allowed people to claim an adaptor for the camera to make it USB 3. Continue reading

Test Automation Tech Test

February 3, 2021 Dave
I’ve been involved with interviewing candidates for tech roles for years at this point and have interviewed college graduates up to senior management, in Ireland and outside, virtually and face to face. I generally really enjoy meeting people and have refined the interview techniques I have to try and ensure candidates are as comfortable as possible but one thing I’ve spent a lot of time tweaking is gauging technical ability. I’ve delivered paper based tests, multiple choice code questions and whiteboard activities and with all of these, the common factor is just how abstract the tasks are and how unrelated they are to typical day to day activities. Continue reading

“What gets measured, gets managed.”

Authentication on Hue using SAML SSO and Azure Part 2

January 26, 2021 Dave
This post is going to go over an issue that took a huge amount of debugging to understand and uncover while I was implementing SAML Authentication with HUE. After reviewing limited documentation, failed trial and error configuration attempts and ultimately an ignored StackOverflow question (Spoiler here if interested) it became evident I was going to have to figure this one out myself. To see other adventures in HUE SAML configuration, see my other post here Continue reading

Authentication on Hue using SAML SSO and Azure Part 1

January 25, 2021 Dave
As I mentioned on this before, there will be some niche information on this, a lot of which will be driven by experiences I have in professional and personal projects. This is a prime example of something that I found it difficult to find resources for online and had to do a lot of trial and error myself in order to get it over the line and the goal of this is to save someone the heartache I suffered through to accomplish it. Continue reading
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